Please join us for Capital School District’s 3rd Annual SUPER SENATOR DAY on Saturday, October 6, 2018 – 100 Ways to be a Senator. This free event will be held at Dover High School, One Dover High Drive, from 10 am to 2 pm. Each school in the district will have a table or two and will showcase the wonderful teaching and learning that occurs in our schools on a daily basis. Several of our community partners will have informational tables. This is a day of fun and Senator Pride for the whole family – free food, demonstrations, vendors, music, and animals. Some of the activities planned include:
- Performances by students in the Dover High School Theater
- Barnhill Animal Preserve (including the baby kangaroo)
- petting zoo
- bouncy house
- ·outside obstacle course with the National Guard
- free lunch
- entertainment
- tours of Dover High School
- drawing for Senator spirit baskets